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The Drama Studio

The Drama Studio teaches Creative Drama in Edinburgh in independent classes and within Primary schools. Interactive teaching techniques used to deliver the curriculum, highly motivate students to learn, improving attainment and transforming the learning arena. Teachers increase in confidence as they become skilled in the techniques, developing positive relationships with their students. The approach is guaranteed to ignite Topics and seriously enhance Literacy.

The Drama Studio teaches Creative Drama in Edinburgh in independent classes and within Primary schools. Interactive teaching techniques used to deliver the curriculum, highly motivate students to learn, improving attainment and transforming the learning arena. Teachers increase in confidence as they become skilled in the techniques, developing positive relationships with their students. The approach is guaranteed to ignite Topics and seriously enhance Literacy.
Under The Sea

Under The Sea

Interactive Classroom Teaching This extended Interactive lesson is suitable for younger end Primary school children aged 5-7. The lesson is simple, easy to follow for teachers new to using an Interactive teaching style and can be done in a classroom. Interactive teaching in the classroom will enhance the learning experience for students, motivating them, stimulating language and modifying behaviour with everyone working together in a practical way. Teachers who try out the techniques never look back and are inspired by the quality of written work, commitment to topics and general enthusiasm. This story begins with a sensory approach and moves into snowball play technique, described and demonstrated by an experienced teacher on the video included. The children will embark on an adventure to find a lost mermaid meeting dolphins, jellyfish and an octopus along the way. Key skills are Mime and Movement, Improvisation, snowball play, visualisation,discussion, literacy embed, story recall and adding an ending. The teachers can follow through the teaching plan which describes use of Teacher in role allowing for the children to respond and developing characterisation and role-play. The lessons also come with a plan for development straight into writing skills. A Help Screen for your smart board is included which is good for recalling the story and also for the writing tasks suggested throughout.
The Farm Yard - Interactive Literacy

The Farm Yard - Interactive Literacy

Interactive Classroom Teaching SUMMER HALF PRICE OFFER Interactive teaching in the classroom will enhance the learning experience for students, motivating them, stimulating language and modifying behaviour with everyone working together in a practical way. Teachers who try out the techniques never look back and are inspired by the quality of written work, commitment to topics and general enthusiasm. This series of three lessons (will usually spin out into more) is suitable for age 5-8 years children. The lesson outlines are simple, easy to follow for teachers new to using Interactive teaching techniques and can be done in a classroom. The lesson takes a group of children into a farmyard setting where they meet various farmyard characters - the Farmer, Pinky the Pig, Danny the sheepdog and sheep, Daisy the cow, Jenny Henny and her hens, the farm horses. The teachers can follow through the teaching script which allows for the children to respond and to develop characterisation and role-play. There are a few problems in the farmyard for the students to help with, bringing in problem solving to the storyline! A Help Screen for your smart board is also included. Teachers find this particularly useful to help the children recall the story and with their writing tasks. The lesson plans highlight ideas for development straight into writing skills.